Nurturing Neurodiversity: The Crucial Role of Self-Regulation

Hi there! We are Desiree & Saiqa, moms of two beautiful boys on the autism spectrum! Parent support is something we both have been passionate about. A group where parents can be empowered to take the lead in their own…
Stimming is short for self-stimulation. Stimming is a repetitive body movement, such as hand flapping. Stimming is commonly found in Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder, but also found in other developmental disabilities. This behavior may involve any or all of the senses in various degrees in different individuals.
When our child is different, there’s so much more we need to learn about parenting. Our first go-to will be to learn all we can about the diagnosis. We learn everything we can, so we can understand and provide the necessary support, intervention or therapy that they need to thrive. Whether it’s by reading books, attending courses or through community groups, we learn what we can, when we can.
Disabilities. This is a very big word to use, even for adults. Today – when language, terms of references and respecting people of all abilities is more important than ever – it is never too early to talk to your kids about disabilities. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word “disabilities” is a countable noun, which means a physical or mental condition wherein you’re unable to use a part of your body completely or easily, or where you cannot learn easily.
WE are delighted that the government, through the able leadership of our Law Minister Azalina Othman, is beginning the process of amending the Federal Constitution to allow Malaysian women the right to confer their citizenship onto their overseas-born children. This a progressive step that will bless many children and families.
Year 2020 may have been the year of the pandemic. For us, however, it has been the year of homeschool success. We have been homeschooling our ASD child part-time for many years. Since the age of 4.5, Little Star attended a special needs school that only had classes twice a week. It was an ideal set up at the time, enabling us to run an extensive home-based play therapy programme.
Kiwanis Malaysia Academy (KMA) presented its second Special Education Needs (SEN) Symposium 2022 on 10 November 2022, exploring better use of technology in Special Education with the theme: Innovation in Special Education Needs - A Reality Check & Way Forward.