Kategori Dyscalculia

Articles related to dyscalculia

What are Social Stories?

Group of Children and Adult at a table with flash cards
In the realm of supporting individuals with social and communication challenges, Social Stories have emerged as powerful tools for fostering understanding, empathy, and positive behavior. Developed by Carol Gray in the early 1990s, Social Stories are concise narratives designed to help individuals, especially those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or other developmental differences, navigate social situations with greater ease. This article explores the concept of Social Stories, their purpose, and the impact they can have on social development.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is a concept that refers to the natural diversity of human neurological states and conditions. The terms was first used first used by sociologist, Judy Singer. It recognises that differences in brain functioning and behaviour are normal and natural variations of the human experience, rather than a medical disorder or disease to be cured.

How to Talk to Kids About: Their Disabilities

When our child is different, there’s so much more we need to learn about parenting. Our first go-to will be to learn all we can about the diagnosis. We learn everything we can, so we can understand and provide the necessary support, intervention or therapy that they need to thrive. Whether it’s by reading books, attending courses or through community groups, we learn what we can, when we can.

Introducing Visual Support

We learn differently and the identified learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic as developed in 1992 by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills. We do have a preferred learning style or a preferred combination of learning style. For younger children and children with special needs, pictures or images is a method of communication.

Part 2: Saluting Unsung Heroes

Our last piece titled Saluting Unsung Herores, put the spotlight on three individuals who are usually the first point of contact into the world of neurodiversity. In this piece, I would like to highlight the practitioners who work closely with neurodiverse individuals through Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech & Language Therapy (SLT), Special Education and creating inclusive spaces for all. These unsung heroes work tirelessly and have chosen this path for the love it.

Saluting Unsung Heroes

One of the most useful resources to me are the people who work with neurodiverse individuals everyday. They do this, because they choose to. This piece will highlight practitioners, what they do and their thoughts on stigmas around autism that need to be broken. This is the first of a 2-part series which will wrap up our series of articles themed “Breaking the Stigmas”, in April for Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month.
