Review: The Butterfly Effect by Malaysia Airports

The full title of this book definitely does it justice - Autism Abracadabra. Seven Magic Ingredients to Help Develop Your Child’s Interactive Attention Span. Hence, the term grimoire used in the title of this piece. According to the Oxford Dictionary, a grimoire is “a book of magic spells and invocations.”
Our last piece titled Saluting Unsung Herores, put the spotlight on three individuals who are usually the first point of contact into the world of neurodiversity. In this piece, I would like to highlight the practitioners who work closely with neurodiverse individuals through Occupational Therapy (OT), Speech & Language Therapy (SLT), Special Education and creating inclusive spaces for all. These unsung heroes work tirelessly and have chosen this path for the love it.
An augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device, is used to help non-verbal or minimally verbal people communicate. Augmentative means to add on to speech, while alternative means to be used instead of speech.
“I came across this book when researching my thesis topic about music and autism. Little did I realise, this particular story would be etched in my mind and hold a special place in my heart for the foreseeable future.”
- Desiree Kaur
A ‘labelled’ child carries the impressions others heap on him, for life. Dyslexia is a learning disability plagued by misconceptions. Common labels for children with dyslexia include ‘slow’, ‘unintelligent’ or even worse, ‘stupid’. Some are even left behind, overlooked or ignored in kindergarten or school settings.
Buying presents for children can be daunting with so many options to choose from at toy stores. Children on the autism spectrum are more likely to have limited or fixed interest. So, it is understandable when those who are not caregivers or immediate family members are at a loss on what to buy for a child on the spectrum as gift. Here are some ideas to help you along the process.