Kategori ADHD

Days of Observances for the Neurodivergent Community in October

October is a significant month for raising awareness and celebrating neurodiversity. It’s a time to promote inclusivity, challenge stigmas, and advocate for the acceptance of individuals who think, learn, and experience the world differently. While neurodiversity covers a broad spectrum of conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and more, October is filled with key observances that recognize the strengths and challenges of these diverse minds.

Getting Lost: Preparing your Autistic Child and Yourself

Child looking lost with blurred background
The concern of an autistic child getting lost can be amplified due to the unique challenges their children might face. Autistic children may have difficulty understanding danger, communicating their needs, or finding their way back to safety. It's crucial for parents to address this topic with sensitivity and clarity, and to implement practical safety measures to help prevent such situations.

The Benefits of Bouncing: A Vital Tool for Sensory Integration

Legs jumping on trampoline
For individuals with sensory processing challenges, particularly those with autism, finding effective ways to manage sensory input can be crucial. One powerful tool in the sensory integration toolkit is bouncing on a trampoline or gym ball. This simple activity offers a multitude of benefits that can help regulate sensory input, improve motor skills, and promote overall well-being.

Navigating Work with ADHD: Coping Strategies for Adults

Ariel view of 3 people around a word table
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that can present unique challenges in the workplace. Individuals with ADHD often grapple with difficulties in sustaining attention, organizing tasks, managing time effectively, and regulating impulses. Despite these challenges, many adults with ADHD can thrive in their professional lives with the implementation of targeted coping strategies and accommodations. In this article, we explore practical coping strategies to help adults with ADHD succeed in the workplace.

What are Social Stories?

Group of Children and Adult at a table with flash cards
In the realm of supporting individuals with social and communication challenges, Social Stories have emerged as powerful tools for fostering understanding, empathy, and positive behavior. Developed by Carol Gray in the early 1990s, Social Stories are concise narratives designed to help individuals, especially those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) or other developmental differences, navigate social situations with greater ease. This article explores the concept of Social Stories, their purpose, and the impact they can have on social development.

Alternatives to Behaviour Therapy for ADHD

While behavior therapy, particularly behaviour modification and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT), is a common and effective approach for managing ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), there are other alternative or complementary treatments that can be considered. It is important to note that any treatment plan for ADHD should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the best approach for an individual's specific needs.

Interventions for ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. It is characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. The interventions for ADHD typically involves a multimodal approach, combining behavioral interventions, educational support, and sometimes medication. Here are some common interventions for ADHD.

The Harmful Effects of Behaviour Modification

Boy screaming into microphone
Behaviour modification, also known as behavior therapy or behaviorism, is a psychological approach that focuses on changing or modifying specific behaviors through various techniques. The aim is usually to reduce behaviour or actions that are deemed inappropriate without fully understanding the underlying need for it. While it can be effective in addressing certain behavioral issues and promoting positive change, there are potential harmful effects associated with behavior modification.

Comorbidities in Neurodiversity

Brains with light bulbs on the side
Neurodivergence is a term used to describe people who think, process information, and experience the world differently than the neurotypical population. It includes conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, and many others. While neurodivergent individuals often face unique challenges, they are also at increased risk for developing certain comorbidities.