Tourette's Syndrome, also known as Tourette's disorder, is a neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements and vocalizations called tics. These tics can range from mild to severe and can occur suddenly and without warning

Gross motor skills and fine motor skills are two different categories of motor skills that develop in children and continue to be refined in adults. Gross motor skills involve the use of large muscle groups to perform activities such as crawling, walking, running, jumping, and throwing. Fine motor skills involve the use of small muscle groups to perform activities such as writing, drawing, typing, and using tools.

Occupational Therapy or the term OT is very commonly used in the realm of special needs. Most children with autism, are asked to immediately seek OT sessions as it helps with various levels of Sensory Processing Issues. Once these issues are somewhat settled, on then can learning take place be it in a form of an Early Intervention Program (EIP) or Speech Therapy. However, it is important to note, that as a profession, occupational therapy covers a wide range of needs

We are Desiree & Saiqa ~ Supporting U. In June, we are hosting the topic of “Isolation in Waves”. Have you ever been in a room full of people and still felt lonely? Or have you felt so isolated that you did not know who to reach out to?