Kategori Speech Therapy

Unlocking Voices: The Benefits of Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Autistics

Communication is the bedrock of human interaction, yet for individuals on the autism spectrum, expressing oneself can be a challenging journey. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) methods offer a lifeline, providing diverse tools and strategies to bridge the gap between silence and expression. For those with autism, AAC isn't just a means of communication; it's a pathway to empowerment, independence, and inclusion.

6 Red Flags When Choosing Schools & Therapists

Finding a therapist, teacher or school for a child with special needs that is a perfect fit, is like striking gold. Suffice to say, parents who have the tough choice to make between affording the best and finding the best affordable option, will resonate with this feeling. Nevertheless, it is quite important to recognise certain red flags when selecting a school or therapist for a child with special needs.

Imitation & Symbolic Play in Speech Development

This is a combination of 3 pieces first published on Speech Sisters’ blog. The Speech Sisters are Brooke and Bridget who have more than 20-years of combined experience a Speech Therapists, working with children who have communication disorders and delays. Learn about imitation and symbolic play with tips from speech therapists.

Introducing Visual Support

We learn differently and the identified learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic as developed in 1992 by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills. We do have a preferred learning style or a preferred combination of learning style. For younger children and children with special needs, pictures or images is a method of communication.
