Kategori Occupational Therapy

The Benefits of Bouncing: A Vital Tool for Sensory Integration

Legs jumping on trampoline
For individuals with sensory processing challenges, particularly those with autism, finding effective ways to manage sensory input can be crucial. One powerful tool in the sensory integration toolkit is bouncing on a trampoline or gym ball. This simple activity offers a multitude of benefits that can help regulate sensory input, improve motor skills, and promote overall well-being.

Understanding Gross & Fine Motor Skills

Gross motor skills and fine motor skills are two different categories of motor skills that develop in children and continue to be refined in adults. Gross motor skills involve the use of large muscle groups to perform activities such as crawling, walking, running, jumping, and throwing. Fine motor skills involve the use of small muscle groups to perform activities such as writing, drawing, typing, and using tools.

Occupational Therapy and the Senses

Man squeezing small ball
Occupational Therapy or the term OT is very commonly used in the realm of special needs. Most children with autism, are asked to immediately seek OT sessions as it helps with various levels of Sensory Processing Issues. Once these issues are somewhat settled, on then can learning take place be it in a form of an Early Intervention Program (EIP) or Speech Therapy. However, it is important to note, that as a profession, occupational therapy covers a wide range of needs

6 Red Flags When Choosing Schools & Therapists

Finding a therapist, teacher or school for a child with special needs that is a perfect fit, is like striking gold. Suffice to say, parents who have the tough choice to make between affording the best and finding the best affordable option, will resonate with this feeling. Nevertheless, it is quite important to recognise certain red flags when selecting a school or therapist for a child with special needs.

Introducing Visual Support

We learn differently and the identified learning styles are visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic as developed in 1992 by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills. We do have a preferred learning style or a preferred combination of learning style. For younger children and children with special needs, pictures or images is a method of communication.

Therapy Through Play (TTP) program by WRTS is back!

The Therapy Through Play (TTP) program run by We Rock The Spectrum (WRTS) Express Bangsar in collaboration with the Energy Source is back, for the third successive year! TTP is a program aimed to provide families with autistic children an opportunity to build their skills and confidence so they can conduct therapeutic activities with and for their own child(ren).
