The Importance of Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)

When our child is different, there’s so much more we need to learn about parenting. Our first go-to will be to learn all we can about the diagnosis. We learn everything we can, so we can understand and provide the necessary support, intervention or therapy that they need to thrive. Whether it’s by reading books, attending courses or through community groups, we learn what we can, when we can.
What is a Neuro-Crash? It’s what happens when the imposed situation overwhelms your child or adult’s brain, so their coping mechanism shuts down. (We’ll get into why I use the term “imposed situation” in a bit.) You’ve probably had your own version of a Neuro-Crash at some point (many points?) in your life. Have you ever felt so completely overloaded and overwhelmed you just couldn’t take it anymore?
PDA is a condition driven by very high anxiety. Therefore, the idea behind talking to someone with PDA is to deflect the request from yourself. Anything we ask from them, even if it’s as simple as "drink water" or "sit down" is considered a demand and is enough to trigger their fight or flight response. Here are 5 strategies on talking to some with PDA.
Pathological demand avoidance (PDA) is a subtype of autism that is currently only recognized in certain countries like in the United Kingdom. However, there are plenty of autistic children all over the world who are exhibiting signs of PDA and need to be supported.