Spinning objects often capture the attention of autistic individuals, providing both joy and therapeutic benefits. Let’s explore why this activity is so appealing and how it can be beneficial.

The concern of an autistic child getting lost can be amplified due to the unique challenges their children might face. Autistic children may have difficulty understanding danger, communicating their needs, or finding their way back to safety. It's crucial for parents to address this topic with sensitivity and clarity, and to implement practical safety measures to help prevent such situations.

For individuals with sensory processing challenges, particularly those with autism, finding effective ways to manage sensory input can be crucial. One powerful tool in the sensory integration toolkit is bouncing on a trampoline or gym ball. This simple activity offers a multitude of benefits that can help regulate sensory input, improve motor skills, and promote overall well-being.

Twice exceptional (often abbreviated as 2e) refers to individuals who possess high abilities or giftedness in one or more areas while simultaneously facing challenges or disabilities in other areas. These individuals exhibit a unique blend of strengths and weaknesses, making their identification and support more complex compared to their peers who are either gifted or have disabilities but not both.

Feilina Feisol, who died on June 30, 2024, was an active disability advocate who was always willing to engage with, support, and work with anyone who would provide opportunities for disabled persons.