
Our Directory

A compilation under 3 main categories: Specialists, Service Providers and Businesses.
Specialists consists practitioners qualified to render diagnosis for special needs in Malaysia.
Service Providers consists various therapy, interventions and services for special needs in Malaysia.
Business consists services provided by or services provided by neurodiverse individuals in Malaysia.

Service Providers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I contribute to the directory?

Yes you can. Let us know if you have any recommendations to add to any of our directories. Email us here

Can I volunteer or collaborate?

Yes. We welcome collaborators or volunteers who share the same goals as us. We also prefer using the term “collaborate” instead of volunteer. We believe in working together towards the common goal of inclusion for all.

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Be part of the cause…

Collaborate with us

Our aims is to make information accessible to all who need it whilst putting the neurodiversity inclusion agenda to the forefront. If you have a skill or burning desire to be part of what we do in any way, reach out to us. Let’s collaborate. Stronger together and collaborations means we work together towards a common goal.
