A directory of specialists, practitioners and service providers for special needs in Malaysia. Also includes services provided by / business run by neurodiverse individuals.
Subtitle for This Block
Courses related to neurodiversity created for parents / caregivers and teachers.
Spectrum of Voices
Articles and news related to special and neurodiversity.
Project Haans collaborates with Saiqa Q Huda for a monthly parent support group called Desiree & Saiqa ~ Supporting U.
Our Journey
Find out how Project Haans came about in 2019 and our journey since then.
Training & Talks
We also design trainings and talks to suit the needs of communities that need it. Contact us to find out more.
Spectrum of Voices
A collection of articles by anyone who has been touched by neurodiversity. Insights from a spectrum of voices – self-advocates, caregivers, parents, family members, practitioners, friends, etc. Contributors are welcome.

Historic Decision on PWD Rights in Malaysia
The Persons with Disabilities (PWD) or Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) community of Malaysia applauds Justice…

What is Executive Functioning?
Executive functioning refers to a set of cognitive processes that enable individuals to plan, focus…

The 4th SEN Symposium, held on 16 November 2024 at the Royale Chulan Damanara, in…
Courses on Neurodiversity
Project Haans is also in the Open Learning Platform. Our aim is to make information accessible and affordable for all who need it. Content is carefully curated to be understood and applicable to parents / caregiver, teachers and anyone who is interested to know more.
Our Team & Collaborators
We’re parents whose lives are touched by neurodiversity

Desiree Kaur
Team Haans
Mother & Founder

Team Haans
Father & Co-Founder

Samantha Yong
Collaborator for
Training & Coaching

Saiqa Q Huda
Collaborator for
Parent Support
Desiree is a fiercely compassionate thought leader in Autism Advocacy. She is thorough with her research and holds the value of integrity to a platinum standard. She is my go-to for Autism Advocacy and Awareness.
Melissa Indot
Desiree is a staunch advocate of inclusion, not only for individuals on the Spectrum but also for diversity-acceptance as a broader movement and life principle. As she frontiers community-building and grows her research expertise, Desiree demonstrates that we are all primed to co-empower each other; with information, initiative, and an enduring intention to serve.
Patricia Rivera
As a mom of a special need boy, i find solace in Project Haans, which provides me with a space to swap stories, share information, ideas & tips to help manage different parts of life or simply enjoy being with people who have had similar experiences. To Desiree & Haans… thank you.
Aishah Sam
Project Haans is wholly owned by:
Books & Beyond Hub (JM1015713-P)
WA only: +6012-283 501